Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Beginnings and Dreams

Since this is my first post, I wanted to start from the beginning. Every one begins a journey each morning with a plan in mind of some sort, but ends each day in spite of that plan. Many days look exactly the same from an outsiders perspective, but in fact, small changes and beginnings happen each moment of our lives. Recognizing "beginnings" are important because in every beginning there lies the potential for new truths, paths, experiences and understanding. Every day, every hour and every moment is a potential for another direction that this gift called "life" can take us.

It is in a beginning that we start new.

The question then becomes "Where do I begin today?" For myself, I will begin today talking about the impetus for beginning, the dreams from the night before.

Dream from last night:

I was on a tropical island and there was a large beach house with many people inside. The water was clear and beautiful-that wonderful blue green. It was a sunny day and I was happy to be attending a party, although I didn't know the people inside the beach house. I was in the kitchen and an old friend walked in the room. She looked great I thought, and I was embarrassed because she and I had a falling out and hadn't spoken for 5 years. She looked so young and her teeth were bright white, as if they had been bleached. She spoke to me and I apologised to her for our falling out and she apologised to me, as we hadn't spoken for so long. There was a peace between us and my feelings of embarrassment went away. I moved into another room and I saw a small child needing help to go upstairs into the loft where his father was. I lifted him up and his father took him, thanking me for my help. Then I walked down a long corridor with many bedrooms and found my partner who had been looking for me. He holds my hand and we walk down the corridor together...........

Its interesting to me that I chose to post my first entry this morning. The last several months have been very stressful and my life has been filled with many challenges, losses, deaths, betrayals and hardships that have distracted me from my loves and hopes. These cycles in life can drag us into the underworld of our emotions, into dark places where death holds us hostage, away from our dreams and purpose. But death, like winter, eventually ends and there is beginning again. These are the new possibilities, far away places and new people entering our lives. In allowing for beginning there can also be rest and peace from the pain that death has brought. Our dreams can remind each of us who we are, where we've been, where we would like to go, who we would like to see and what we would like to do. In this way a dream can provide better awareness of our beginnings and shine the light to see the road ahead.

And so today, I begin my blog "The Lamplighter". My hope is to use this space to provide a deeper awareness of the spiritual, psychological and social conditions that define the human experience and share my personal reflections with others. Please feel free to leave a comment or submit a post.

Thank you to David Bookbinder for his beautiful artwork. Artwork may be purchsed@